News from the ROI world

Quintino implements innovative factory layout

Material handling at a fragrance factory becomes streamlined and efficient, thanks to a systematic new approach to logistics, designed and installed by Quintino.

Fb Tower raises the bar on container management

Cost-effective and flexible, the multi-level automated Fb Intralogistics Tower can hold up to six containers at once, equipped with an internal lift and the proprietary warehousing software, Fb Stash, to cover multiple logistical processes.

MACH ftd automates massive shoe warehouse

Efficiency and productivity have skyrocketed at the Zapatos warehouse, thanks to the newly installed automation solution by MACH ftd.


Rolling On Interroll

ein globales Kompetenznetzwerk lokaler Experten für Materialfluss und Prozessautomatisierung.


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Bei Rolling On Interroll geht es darum,
der weltweiten Materialflussbranche
einen echten Mehrwert zu bieten.

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