News from the ROI world

Power Stow celebrates 20 years of excellence

From trouble shooters looking to fill a gap in the market, to becoming the world leader in baggage and cargo handling solutions, Power Stow is showing no signs of weakness.

Actemium Tours aces the test with Interroll conveyors

Periodic Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) at their in-house workshop keeps standards high at Actemium Tours Logistics.

VSTRONG launches Australian hub

From their new Melbourne office, VSTRONG is prepped to meet growing demand for advanced logistics in the Australian market.

Tavil-Indebe S.A.U.

Tavil, as a technological leader, offers the best guarantees to improve their customers’ production process by reducing cost and increasing production. Tavil equipment technology is based on multiformat systems with automatic changeover and can be rapidly adapted to meet the continuous changes in the packaging market requirements.

Tavil technology is based on the constant evolution of its R+D+I department and Industrial + Electronic Engineering department, together with a technical assistance service to meet individual client needs. This constant evolution meets the market requirements; Tavil guarantees a quick and accurate solution to the clients.

Interroll Solutions
Certified Know-how

dc drive

Interroll DC drive technology

for roller conveyors (24V - 48V DC drives, incl. control cards, power supplies, etc.)

ac drive

Interroll AC drive technology

for belt and chain conveyors (400V AC drives)

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