News from the ROI world

Torfresma delivers the beef at meat handling plant

One of Argentina’s leading meat distributers turned to Torfresma to upgrade their refrigerated plant with a cutting-edge end of line system.

Mach provides flexible and efficient packaging line

A leading Romanian exterior landscaping company was fitted with an automated Mach pallet packaging system, equipped with vertical and horizontal strapping, interlayer, and topsheet application.

Qimarox palletizers boost beverage output by 20%

A leading beverage manufacturer in Lithuania has experienced massive production benefits with their new end-of-line system.

Rolling On Interroll success stories

A success story from AP Dataweigh, Inc.

A global bakery supplier of liquid glaze and frosting was inconsistently filling 3 and 5 gallon pails of product. Because of variability in the product flow as plant temperatures increased after start up, the time-fill machine was overfilling the buckets by as much as 5% to ensure that minimum specification weights were met. AP Dataweigh Inc. designed a checkweigher, label detection and lid detection system that solved all of the above issues. Sensors and communication systems were installed in the scale controller to provide centralized control of the fill line.