News from the ROI world

moin robotics makes labeling effortless

moin introduces an advanced robotic system that eliminates the need for costly, labor-intensive manual labeling on barrels and IBCs.

Torfresma delivers the beef at meat handling plant

One of Argentina’s leading meat distributers turned to Torfresma to upgrade their refrigerated plant with a cutting-edge end of line system.

Mach provides flexible and efficient packaging line

A leading Romanian exterior landscaping company was fitted with an automated Mach pallet packaging system, equipped with vertical and horizontal strapping, interlayer, and topsheet application.

The ROI mobile app, exclusively for Rolling On Interroll partners.

The ROI mobile app

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The ROI mobile app is available for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. By clicking on the store images here below, you will be redirected to the download pages.

Once the app is fully downloaded, open the app and start the registration process:
• Subscribe: tap on the subscribe button to access the registration form.
• Registration: fill in the complete registration form and send it for approval.
• Login: once the registration is confirmed, you’ll get an email with your login details.

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