News from the ROI world

Dedem Mekatronik launches innovative Motion Up Lift

Renowned for their beautifully engineered solutions, Dedem Mechatronik partnered with Arvato to develop the cutting-edge Motion Up Lift to accommodate both wooden pallets and wheeled plastic containers.

Record sales at CKF kick off 35th Anniversary

Three and a half decades of hard work are paying off at CKF Systems, who are celebrating their anniversary while enjoying the best order intake in 35 years of thriving business.

Preventive maintenance by LCS Group keeps trouble at bay

Even at the most advanced industrial plant, top performance depends on regularly scheduled machinery maintenance.

approved value creator2

The third ROI partner category

The Approved Value Creator (AVC) category is the highest of the three ROI partnership categories.

All Approved Value Creators have reached this status after min. one year as Approved Partner (first category) and min. two years of Approved Accelerator (second category) and through fulfillment of all key requirements associated to this partnership category. The companies listed here have completed product training and successfully installed three (or more) of Interroll’s main product technologies.

Find out more about the ROI program categories.

  • Berrmak

    Since 1998, Berrmak has been manufacturing special products for the specific needs of various industries and providing turnkey conveyor systems including software and automation for industrial applications. In its 23rd year, it reached a number of 200+ employees and a production capacity of 60 telescopic conveyors per month in an 8500 m2 indoor area.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Berrmak

    Sin dal 1998, Berrmak realizza prodotti speciali per rispondere alle esigenze specifiche di diversi settori, offrendo sistemi di trasporto chiavi in mano, comprensivi di software e sistemi di automazione per applicazioni industriali.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Berrmak

    Seit 1998 stellt Berrmak Spezialprodukte für die spezifischen Anforderungen verschiedener Branchen her und bietet komplette Fördersysteme einschließlich Software und Automatisierungslösungen für industrielle Anwendungen an. Das Unternehmen, das in diesem Jahr sein 23-jähriges Bestehen feiert, beschäftigt mehr als 200 Mitarbeiter und produziert auf einer Fläche von 8500 m2 monatlich 60 Teleskopförderer.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Berrmak

    Berrmak fabrica desde 1998 productos especiales para cubrir las necesidades específicas de un amplio número de sectores. Asimismo, se dedica a desarrollar sistemas transportadores llave en mano, incluidos el software y la automatización para aplicaciones industriales.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Berrmak

    Berrmak fabrique depuis 1998 des produits spécialisés pour diverses industries, notamment des systèmes de transport clefs en mains avec logiciel et automatisme pour applications industrielles. Après 23 ans d'activité, Berrmak emploie aujourd'hui plus de 200 personnes et produit 60 convoyeurs télescopiques par mois dans son usine de 8500 m2.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Berrmak

    Desde 1998 que a Berrmak fabrica produtos especiais para dar resposta às necessidades específicas de um grande número de setores. Além disso, dedica-se ao desenvolvimento de sistemas transportadores chave na mão, incluindo o software e a automatização para aplicações industriais.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas, S.L.

    Since they launched their operations in 2001, the Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas group has continued to grow, constantly pursuing a persistent R&D strategy to combine the most advanced technologies with solutions and materials of the highest quality, while always prioritizing excellence in all their processes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas, S.L.

    Da quando ha iniziato la sua attività nel 2001, il gruppo Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas è cresciuto costantemente e ha scommesso sempre sulla politica di ricerca e sviluppo per combinare le tecnologie più all’avanguardia con soluzioni e materiali di alta qualità, puntando sempre all’eccellenza.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas, S.L.

    Seit der Gründung im Jahr 2001 ist die Gruppe Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas ständig gewachsen und hat dabei stets eine konsequente F&E-Politik verfolgt, die neueste Technologie mit Lösungen und Materialien höchster Qualität vereint und Exzellenz in allen Prozessen anstrebt.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas, S.L.

    Desde que inició su actividad en 2001, el grupo Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas no ha dejado de crecer, apostando siempre por una política de I+D constante para conjugar las tecnologías más punteras, con las soluciones y los materiales de la mejor calidad, primando siempre la excelencia en todos sus procesos.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas, S.L.

    Depuis le début de son activité en 2001, le groupe Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas n'a cessé de se développer, pariant sur une politique constante de R&D pour combiner les technologies les plus avancées, les solutions et les matériaux de la meilleure qualité. La priorité dans tous ses processus est l'excellence.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas, S.L.

    Desde que iniciou a sua atividade em 2001, o grupo Modumaq Soluciones Tecnológicas não parou de crescer, apostando sempre numa política de I+D constante para combinar as tecnologias de ponta com as soluções e os materiais de primeira qualidade, primando sempre pela excelência em todos os seus processos.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Rollo - Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH

    Rollo – Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH has more than 90 years’ experience in planning and producing systems, and is a highly skilled partner for complete solutions in both food and non-food logistics.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Rollo - Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH

    Rollo – Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH vanta un'esperienza lunga oltre 90 anni nella progettazione e nella produzione di sistemi ed è un partner altamente qualificato che offre soluzioni complete per la logistica, inclusa l’industria alimentare.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Rollo - Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH

    Die Rollo – Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH verfügt über mehr als 90 Jahre Erfahrung in der Planung und Produktion von Anlagen und ist ein kompetenter Ansprechpartner für Komplettanlagen für die Non-Food und Food-Logistik.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Rollo - Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH

    Rollo - Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH cuenta con más de 90 años de experiencia en la planificación y producción de sistemas, además de ser un socio altamente cualificado para soluciones completas en logística alimentaria y no alimentaria. 

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Rollo - Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH

    Fort de plus de 90 ans d'expérience dans la planification et la production de systèmes, Rollo – Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH est un partenaire hautement qualifié proposant des solutions complètes dans le domaine de la logistique alimentaire et non alimentaire. 

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Rollo - Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH

    A Rollo - Ing. Franz Teufel GmbH conta com mais de 90 anos de experiência na planificação e produção de sistemas, além de ser um parceiro altamente qualificado para soluções completas em logística alimentar e não alimentar.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules