News from the ROI world

Canadian Storcan launches Spintech

The food industry has a new ally in the innovative technology offered by Storcan’s new division, Spintech America.

Power Stow celebrates 20 years of excellence

From trouble shooters looking to fill a gap in the market, to becoming the world leader in baggage and cargo handling solutions, Power Stow is showing no signs of weakness.

Actemium Tours aces the test with Interroll conveyors

Periodic Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) at their in-house workshop keeps standards high at Actemium Tours Logistics.

Actemium Cournon Engineering

Actemium Cournon Engineering's mission is to solve the performance and competitiveness problems of manufacturers by accelerating the integration and mastery of new technologies.

Actemium Cournon Engineering support its clients, from strategic thinking to production launch, by coordinating all stakeholders for more efficient project management. Because of its leading technology that brings real added value to complex challenges, Actemium Cournon Engineering relies on a solid partnership with INTERROLL.

Actemium Cournon Engineering uses and masters all the products, services and software solutions known as “4.0”. Interroll has been the company’s sole partner in the field of material handling systems for many years and new projects are carried out with high degree of flexibility, speed, technological expertise and... success.

Interroll Solutions
Certified Know-how

dc drive

Interroll DC drive technology

for roller conveyors (24V - 48V DC drives, incl. control cards, power supplies, etc.)

ac drive

Interroll AC drive technology

for belt and chain conveyors (400V AC drives)

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