News from the ROI world

Torfresma delivers the beef at meat handling plant

One of Argentina’s leading meat distributers turned to Torfresma to upgrade their refrigerated plant with a cutting-edge end of line system.

Mach provides flexible and efficient packaging line

A leading Romanian exterior landscaping company was fitted with an automated Mach pallet packaging system, equipped with vertical and horizontal strapping, interlayer, and topsheet application.

Qimarox palletizers boost beverage output by 20%

A leading beverage manufacturer in Lithuania has experienced massive production benefits with their new end-of-line system.

ADM makes a real success of the CONXEMAR trade fair

We are very pleased to report that ADM Galicia successfully participated in the recent Conxemar 2016 trade fair (Vigo, Spain, Oct 4-6, 2016). ADM attended Conxemar again this year, presenting products and solutions as a process engineering specialist in the food industry.

A particular highlight among the innovations presented was the fresh product conveyor with its inventive hygienic design, built with equipment provided by experts in the field, such as the Intralox Thermodrive Belt and the Interroll Drum Motor, which will help ADM in expanding its technologies to cover every sector of the food industry.

The event was a great success for ADM, said Miguel Alonso, Managing Director of ADM Galicia; he emphasized the high visitor turnout, which has boosted confidence in a swift return on investment.

Since the start of this year, ADM Galicia has been an official partner of the Interroll global Rolling On Interroll program. The Rolling On Interroll quality seal is a visible testament to the long-lasting and successful relationship between the two companies, which is based on mutual trust. In fact, at the Conxemar fair, ADM Galicia's belt conveyors bore the Rolling On Interroll sign for the first time, communicating the message that ADM's systems operate using Interroll's industry-leading drive technology.

“Our philosophy is always to choose the top brands on the market. For years, we have trusted the safety and reliability of Interroll's drum motors. This means we can focus on what we do best, with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that the drum motors installed work perfectly, with no issues." explains Miguel Alonso, Managing Director of ADM Galicia. "Being a partner of Rolling On Interroll could improve our position on a global level.” Alonso concludes.

We are delighted to have ADM as strong partner in our Rolling On Interroll community!