News from the ROI world

Torfresma delivers the beef at meat handling plant

One of Argentina’s leading meat distributers turned to Torfresma to upgrade their refrigerated plant with a cutting-edge end of line system.

Mach provides flexible and efficient packaging line

A leading Romanian exterior landscaping company was fitted with an automated Mach pallet packaging system, equipped with vertical and horizontal strapping, interlayer, and topsheet application.

Qimarox palletizers boost beverage output by 20%

A leading beverage manufacturer in Lithuania has experienced massive production benefits with their new end-of-line system.

Trasing takes productivity overhead

Optimizing space and increasing production capacity gain a whole new prospective once we begin looking upwards.

Trasing designs carefully calibrated overhead conveyor systems that ensure proper weight, size and shape distribution while offering the significant benefits of utilizing otherwise unused space, in some cases effectively doubling it.

The vast experience of the Serbian ROI partner as a professional system integrator allows them to develop the ideal layout for their customers’ specific needs, taking into account the format, goods specifications, and pre-existing architectural or mechanical obstacles.