News from the ROI world

Clustag smart RFID station automates e-commerce

Fully functional with both manual and automatic conveyors, Clustag GOHT Station is designed for block reading of hanging garments, using RFID technology.

Stac boosts pack out productivity

A fresh conveyor line integrated by Stac preps boxes for quick and productive pack out.

Quintino implements innovative factory layout

Material handling at a fragrance factory becomes streamlined and efficient, thanks to a systematic new approach to logistics, designed and installed by Quintino.

A DC for future growth for ASDA

One of Britain’s leading retailer’s, ASDA, with stores and online services and home to the fashion brand ‘George’, awarded their conveying and sortation project to ROI Partner, AMH Material Handling.

Constantly growing, ASDA – caring about energy efficiency and smart automation - needed to prepare for the challenges of the future, so the system is ready for expansions and upgrades.