“Rolling On Interroll”: This worldwide program got the starting signal from the Interroll Group in March of this year.
Rolling On Interroll is a program that aims to make users aware of the crucial importance of qualitatively high-value core products such as drives and rollers for mechanical and systems engineering. “With Rolling On Interroll, we would like our clients to profit even more from our competencies. This can happen through exclusive training sessions at our academy, group workshops with our product managers, or additional benefits familiar through other loyalty programs,” explains Jens Karolyi, Senior Vice President Corporate Marketing & Culture of the Interroll Group, about the new customer program. “The program is designed primarily for mid-sized OEMs and system integrators who, out of a certain conviction, use our products in critical applications.”
From the beginning, Rolling On Interroll received very positive feedback from customers and a global press response, from China and Italy to the United States.